Sunday 13 September 2015


It is the tendency of human nature to get what doesn't actually belongs to him. It is the most appealing contrivance but not worth for. Just have a contemplation rather a deep thought of the people who are always there for you. You give a shit about them...haha....How contradicting it is, the ones who we owe are the one we ignore. We hurt and mutilate them. We kill their adoration, reverence, sentiments. We take them for granted. We ignore the ones who adore us, adore the ones who ignore us, love the ones who hurt us and hurt the ones who love us.

Do you know what? Feel pity...not for the people who cared for you , but yes for "you" yourself. Because you proved out to be gullible in front of life's compelling conspiracy and let me tell you more!! You proved  out be the as the same bloody  common loser. Thats why its the common tendency of human nature as I mentioned.

If you can't see go blind analogous to the dark and black as your future reveals. And the best part
of course, the epiphany will reach you when those caring's will die mentally or heartily getting repeated batters of cretinous.

Sunday 6 September 2015


Sometimes encounter with some people leaves you with a lesson maybe for a lifetime or maybe not. I met  a guy and the freakish thing was his name was Kush. He was not a rich guy,   he was pursuing BSC from a not so prestigious college, but his dream....ooops mistaken-AIM is to do MBA from the best college they had in the country. His father is a tailor.He described him as the most indignant, resentful and annoyed person who can even cross the levels of Hitler. The most anomalous part was, there were killing rules rather so many cutbacks in his life. Words once vocalised by his father becomes ceaseless orders. If he is told by his father to do a certain task than he has to do it by any means. When he's getting scolded he has to look into the eyes and not allowed to utter a single locution. The ultimate attribute that this person holds is worth describing. He told me these stories in such an amusing way that I was literally like rolling in the aisles. He was so jovial and gleeful even though his life is much difficult in contrast to a normal child who is contradictrily mostly dejected.WELL,Being rich is not what you have but what you can give. A salute to the guy. Couldn't capture his pic but was quite similar to him :P. ;)


Sometimes some instants make you feel so much delighted that whenever you recollect that small epoch of moment in your head it always leaves you with an intrinsic grin on your face. I was standing for the signal to get green. 89 seconds to go. A tiny infant sprog was gazing me resting in the lapse of his mother trying to figure out someting out of me through the car's left window.He smiled at me.Well,I did the same. Suddenly we both started cachinnating still accompanied by an observatory gawk. When the signal went green I gestured him goodbye and he also waved me back. And the ecstasy and the astonishment on her mother's face clearly revealed that he waved voluntarily to somebody for the first time. ;)